Stream Deck Midi plugin

Emulate a Mackie Control

 Control your daw as if you had a Mackie Control device.  

Daw control

Use the Stream Deck buttons and dials
to control everything remotely in your daw.


 Control the articulations of your instruments

with Stream Deck buttons. 


 Create your own control logic using advanced scripting. 

Midi Show Control

Control your equipment with your Stream Deck.

The plugin

The Stream Deck Midi plugin can interact with any Midi enabled device or Daw using Midi 1.0.

The plugin is available for Windows and macOS.

Device support

The plugin supports Stream Decks of all sizes, including Stream Deck+, and supports buttons and dials.


Midi communication can be performed using...

Control Change, NRPN
Program Change, Note On/Off, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, SysEx, Midi Show Control,
Mackie Control and Scripting


In Windows, you need to install a third party software that act as a virtual midi cable between StreamDeck and the other party (loopMidi recommended).

In macOS, you create Midi ports in the Midi Studio.


Version 3.12.1 released

  • Bug fix
    • The Generic Midi button ignored the defined midi channel when configured as a button (push, toggle, hold and latch). When a command of the configured type was received, the plugin accepted it regardless of on which channel it was received. This is now fixed.
  • Addition
    • The scripted dial has a new "selection list" feature.

No video for this update.

Version 3.12

This version has a new scripted dial.

Version 3.11 released

  • A new Generic Midi button is added.

  • Bug fixes.

Please note that this version has some potentially breaking changes:

  • Script variables prefixed with @t_ and @timer_ must be renamed.

  • Script variables are no longer restricted to the Midi value range 0-127.

  • The wrong dual-byte CC command was sent, which is now corrected. If you use dual-byte CC commands, you need to review your settings.

Version 3.10 released

  • For the faders and V-pots on the Generic Midi and Mackie Control dials, you can switch places for the title and the value.

  • Titles on V-Pots and faders are scaled to fit better in the available space.

  • The default min value for dB files is changed from "-Inf" to "-oo". The displayed text can now be set using the value 0 entry in the dB file.

  • There is a new variable to reference in the title fields for the Mackie control dials. #CHNR1# will display channel numbers in the range 1-8, while #CHNR# uses the range 0-7.

  • Bug fixes.