Custom V-pot images

Please note: I strongly recommend using V-Pot images V2, which are much more flexible.

On a Mackie Control, the V-pot is designed with 11 LEDs around the pot (labeled 1-B in the picture). These LEDs can be lit in various patterns depending on what the V-pot is controlling. Examples: When controlling the pan, they are lit from the center (6) and towards the side the track is panned. When controlling send levels, they are lit from position 1 and up.

When creating V-Pot images, you have 4 options:

  • Individual images (LED0-LED11) only contain the part unique for the LED position when lit.

  • Individual images (FULL0-FULL11) containing full images for the corresponding V-Pot value.

  • A Sprite image (LED_All) where all LEDx images are stored in one file.

  • A Sprite image (FULL_All) where all FULLx images are stored in one file.

If you create your own state folder, please do not store it in the plugin folder since it will be deleted when/if the plugin is updated. I recommend using Documents/Trevliga Spel as a storage folder for all plugin-related files.

Individual partial images

Individual images (LED0-LED11) only contain the part unique for the LED position when lit.


  • Images must be named LED1.png, LED2.png.....LED11.png with reference to the LED positions (A=10, B=11)

  • Each image should contain the state for that single LED in its On position.

  • If you want to have a "frame" image that shows the position of all LEDs in their Off position, you should add an LED0.png with this information. (optional)

  • The images must be .png images with transparent backgrounds.

  • The images should be square. The default image size for a Stream Deck button is 144x144 pixels, but images of other sizes will be resized.

This (and the LED_All sprite file) is the most flexible way of designing V-Pot images since you only need 12 images to allow for any V-Pot mode and any combination of LEDs. When building button images, the plugin does this:


  1. The background image is loaded (or the background is painted white if no image is selected).

  2. If the file LED0.png exists in the folder, that image is layered upon the background image. This is always done regardless of the state information for the LEDs. If the file doesn't exist, this step is skipped.

  3. Depending on the information received from the daw, the plugin determines which state files should be loaded, loads them individually, and layers them upon the previously combined image.

  4. the final image is displayed on the button when all images are combined.

Individual full images

Individual images (FULL0-FULL11) containing full images for the corresponding V-Pot value.

FULL0.png to FULL11.png are mandatory and should contain the complete V-Pot image for that value. For any given V-pot value, the plugin will display the corresponding image; the background image is not used, and no image processing is done.


This (and the FULL_All sprite file) is less flexible since you must supply different images depending on whether the V-Pot is used for balance, volume, or something else. This is not automagic; users must select different image folders depending on the V-Pot mode.


When building button images, the plugin does this:

  1. The image corresponding to the V-Pot value is displayed on the button.

Sprite with partial images

A Sprite image (LED_All) where all LEDx images are stored in one file.

If the file LED_All exists in the selected folder, the plugin will treat it as a sprite file and extract the single images from it. The sprite file should contain a grid of images in any grid format (1x12, 2x6, 3x4, 4x3, 6x2, or 12x1). The images should be placed without any padding. Example: Assuming that every image is 144x144 pixels, a 4x3 sprite file should have the exact size of 576x432.

If found, the plugin will extract all the images from the sprite file; from there on, it will act exactly as described for partial LED image files above.

Sprite with full images

A Sprite image (FULL_All) where all FULLx images are stored in one file.

If the file FULL_All exists in the selected folder, the plugin will treat it as a sprite file and extract the single images from it. The sprite file should contain a grid of images in any grid format (1x12, 2x6, 3x4, 4x3, 6x2, or 12x1). The images should be placed without any padding. Example: Assuming that every image is 144x144 pixels, a 4x3 sprite file should have the exact size of 576x432.

If found, the plugin will extract all the images from the sprite file; from there on, it will act exactly as described for single FULL image files above.