Dial selection lists
A selection list is a list of options displayed on the screen for a dial. It's the same type of list used for the Mackie Control dial to select channels, but you have complete control over the list options for the scripted dial.
When a selection list is displayed, the script will get a selectedfromlist event rather than press and release events.
The procedure is like this:
- You optionally set the list options using the {listoptions} action. These options control how the list is displayed and which event (press/release) should make a selection.
- You show the list with the {showlist} action, specifying a comma-separated list of options, optionally with an appended declaration of which item should be focused when the list is displayed.
- When a selection is made, the list is automatically closed and the ordinary dial display is restored. After that, the selectedfromlist event is triggered, and the script can act on the selection made.
In addition, there is a {hidelist} action to hide the list if needed for reasons other than a selection being made. There is also a {focuslist} action to change the focused item on an already showing list.